This article is intended neither to offend anyone nor to renounce any and all forms of religion and god. If you are deeply religious and if you believe in god creating the universe, heaven/hell and the like, please do not proceed further!
Just like most other human beings, if not all, I have repented and will repent some of my past actions and behaviour. Such retrospection may, sometimes, provoke thoughts that may lead ones' conscience to question the very purpose of such actions and in some rare cases, to question the very purpose of all actions. What are we doing here? What is our role? If, as some 'qualified' interpreters of religious texts say, our role and destiny are pre-defined, are we just puppets? For instance, if a man or woman is destined to be a criminal, and, in spite of his/her efforts to stay good, still becomes a criminal, then what is the justification in punishing that person?
Here is the catch: most religious preachings, if not all, teach that a person's destiny is in his or her own hands. This statement is a gross contradiction to the abovementioned statement that our destiny is pre-defined.
This is the juncture at which there is a great chance for mortals to be enlightened, at least with respect to our role. I am quite confident that all the 'holy books' point to one and the same thing: each one of us is a 'supreme' being and we are responsible for our own actions, which, we can completely control. The heaven and hell refer to the state of one's mind; that state can be one of bliss (heaven), if the action performed is positive, and one of misery (hell), if the action is negative. Like everything else, there are exceptions in this case too: those who don't repent upon committing a sin are the devil's incarnation. Simple as that! This explanation duly satisfies the mutually contradicting statements that god governs our destiny and that our destiny is in our own hands.
Coming back to our roles, they are much akin to the roles of anything and everything else we see. May be like the role of a dog; may be like that of a machine...The point is, we are just an agglomeration of molecules and atoms, resulting from the origin of universe, due to the big bang or otherwise. Just as valuable and not-so-valuable materials are formed the same type of molecules, human beings and other 'inferior' life forms can also be formed from one common source. So, if we are just a bunch of molecules and if we ourselves are gods, is there anything at all that governs us?
Yes, of course! Like any physical problem, we are governed by a set of 'boundary conditions'. These boundary conditions ensure an equilibrium of the system. They are the gods of gods, that is, our gods. To put it in simple terms, these boundary conditions are nothing but the nature and it's forces. Time and again, this equilibrium is disturbed, resulting in natural disasters (man-made disasters fall under our actions - they are initiated and propagated by human actions alone). These natural disasters are the nature's backlash to human actions; nature's way of curtailing and/or terminating things. It is a way to remind us that there is something beyond our control. If we respect our nature as well as the 'gods' in others, I am quite sure that there is only one direction for us: forward! By moving forward and making others' life easier, our goal is partly or completely fulfilled. Of course, it is well-known that no system can be ideal and/or perpetual - thus, it is impossible for the human race or the (other) animal race to survive for an infinitely long time duration. Armageddon is inevitable.
The original intention of all the religions was the same as the concept found here. To impart these ideas into the brains of the human beings effectively, different religions adopted different courses - different 'gods', different sets of rules. It is unfortunate that the original message has been lost somewhere down the line.
Though I write as if I have totally understood the concept of life, I am actually really far from it. But more and more of those deep, positive retrospections, I may be there....some day. As of now, I am quite content that by not killing or torturing others physically or mentally, by not indulging myself in acts that are detrimental to others and by not being unrepentant, I manage to stay away from being a devil.
There is a fair chance that I am awfully wrong in perceiving the real identity of god and our roles. There is also a likelihood that god indeed exists in some form. If it is the case, then one thing is for sure: there should be only one god or one 'set' of gods. Each religion has its own version of god's identity and origin. But then the universe was created only once, meaning that all the religions are referring to the one and only god, albeit in different forms. So, at the end of the day, each and every believer from each and every religion offers prayers to the same god! All the more reason why we shouldn't fight in the name of religion.
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